9 Signal to noise ratio
The temporal signal-to-noise ratio was quantified as the mean unsmoothed signal over time divided by its standard deviation. It was calculated for each voxel and then averaged across voxels in a region of interest.
We want to contrast the signal to noise ratio in our regions of interest. We will look at both the temporal and spatial signal to noise ratio. We will used the cleaned voxel time series that we also extracted the multi-voxel patterns from for this.
<- here("data", "mri", "processed", "SNR")
snr_dir invisible(lapply(file.path(snr_dir, subjects),
function(x) if(!dir.exists(x)) dir.create(x, recursive = TRUE)))
9.1 Calculate voxel-wise temporal SNR
The first step is to calculate the temporal signal to noise ratio for each voxel. We use fslmaths for that via the fslr-package. Specifically, the tSNR of a voxel is its temporal mean divided by its standard deviation over time. This is done for each of the ten blocks of each run of the picture viewing task.
# build a tibble with the info we'll need tp build the file names (will be overwritten later)
<- tibble(subject = rep(subjects, each = n_runs*n_blocks),
snr_df run = rep(rep(runs, each = n_blocks), n_subs),
run_no = rep(rep(c(1,2), each = n_blocks), n_subs),
block = rep(c(1:n_blocks), n_runs*n_subs)
# create the file names to use
<- file.path(dirs$samespace_dir,
filt_func_fn paste0("VIRTEM_P", snr_df$subject),
$subject, snr_df$run_no, snr_df$block))
snr_df<- file.path(snr_dir, snr_df$subject,
tMean_fn sprintf("%s_RSA_%s_block%02d_tMean.nii.gz",
$subject, snr_df$run, snr_df$block))
snr_df<- file.path(snr_dir, snr_df$subject,
tSd_fn sprintf("%s_RSA_%s_block%02d_tSd.nii.gz",
$subject, snr_df$run, snr_df$block))
snr_df<- file.path(snr_dir, snr_df$subject,
tSNR_fn sprintf("%s_RSA_%s_block%02d_tSNR.nii.gz",
$subject, snr_df$run, snr_df$block))
# define function to calculate tSNR
<- function(fourD_fn=NULL, tMean_fn=NULL, tStd_fn=NULL, tSNR_fn=NULL){
# calculate temporal mean for each voxel
::fsl_maths(file = fourD_fn, opts = "-Tmean", outfile = tMean_fn,
fslrverbose = FALSE, retimg = FALSE)
# calculate temporal mean for each voxel
::fsl_maths(file = fourD_fn, opts = "-Tstd", outfile = tStd_fn,
fslrverbose = FALSE, retimg = FALSE)
# calculate temporal mean for each voxel
::fsl_div(file = tMean_fn, file2 = tStd_fn, outfile = tSNR_fn,
fslrverbose = FALSE, retimg = FALSE)
# apply to images in questions (invisible to avoid overly long output)
invisible(mapply(calc_tSNR, fourD_fn=filt_func_fn, tMean_fn=tMean_fn, tStd_fn=tSd_fn, tSNR_fn=tSNR_fn))
9.2 Average tSNR per ROI
To find the average tSNR for a given ROI, we load the tSNR image and the ROI mask before calculating the mean across voxels. Here we define the function that returns the mean tSNR, given the file names of the tSNR image and the ROI masks.
# function to calculate the mean tSNR for an ROI
<- function(roi_fn, tSNR_fn){
# load images
<- neurobase::readNIfTI2(tSNR_fn)
tSNR_nii <- neurobase::readNIfTI2(roi_fn)
# the tSNR values of the ROI voxels
<- tSNR_nii[roi_nii==1]
# return the average
Let’s apply the function and store the tSNR values for each block in each run.
<- tibble(subject = rep(subjects, each = n_runs*n_blocks*length(rois)),
snr_df roi = rep(rep(rois, each = n_runs * n_blocks),n_subs),
run = rep(rep(runs, each = n_blocks), length(rois)*n_subs),
block = rep(c(1:n_blocks), n_runs*length(rois)*n_subs),
tSNR = NA)
for (i in 1:nrow(snr_df)){
$tSNR[i] <- get_ROI_tSNR(roi_fn = here("data", "mri", "rois", snr_df$roi[i], "samespace",
$subject[i], snr_df$roi[i])),
snr_dftSNR_fn = file.path(snr_dir, snr_df$subject[i],
$subject[i], snr_df$run[i], snr_df$block[i])))
snr_df }
Lastly, we want to write out the dataframe with the tSNR values for later analysis.
# save the relevant data
<- file.path(dirs$data4analysis, "snr.txt")
fn write.table(snr_df, file = fn, append = FALSE, sep = ",", dec = ".",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
9.3 Contrast tSNR between aHPC and alEC
We begin by loading the SNR data from file.
# load data from CSV
<- file.path(dirs$data4analysis, "snr.txt")
fn <- cols_only(
col_types_list subject = col_factor(),
roi = col_factor(levels = rois),
run = col_factor(levels = runs),
block = col_double(),
tSNR = col_double()
)<- as_tibble(read_csv(fn, col_types = col_types_list))
subject | roi | run | block | tSNR |
031 | aHPC_lr | pre | 1 | 26.9 |
031 | aHPC_lr | pre | 2 | 25.2 |
031 | aHPC_lr | pre | 3 | 25.1 |
031 | aHPC_lr | pre | 4 | 25.5 |
031 | aHPC_lr | pre | 5 | 25.4 |
031 | aHPC_lr | pre | 6 | 24.1 |
To contrast the global tSNR between the aHPC and the alEC, we need to average across all blocks and runs to obtain one value per ROI per participant.
# calculate the average tSNR per ROI for each suject
%>% filter(roi == "aHPC_lr" | roi == "alEC_lr") %>%
snr_data group_by(subject, roi) %>%
summarise(tSNR = mean(tSNR), .groups="drop") -> snr_avg
To test whether the tSNR differs between the aHPC and the alEC we run a permutation-based t-test on the within-subject differences.
set.seed(56) # set seed for reproducibility
<- snr_avg %>%
stats filter(roi=="aHPC_lr" | roi == "alEC_lr") %>%
group_by(subject) %>%
summarise(tSNR_diff = tSNR[roi=="aHPC_lr"]-tSNR[roi=="alEC_lr"],.groups = "drop") %>%
# test difference against 0
select(tSNR_diff) %>%
paired_t_perm_jb (., n_perm = n_perm)
# Cohen's d with Hedges' correction for paired samples using non-central t-distribution for CI
<-cohen.d(d=(snr_avg %>% filter(roi == "aHPC_lr"))$tSNR,
df=(snr_avg %>% filter(roi == "alEC_lr"))$tSNR,
paired=TRUE, pooled=TRUE, hedges.correction=TRUE, noncentral=TRUE)
## Warning in pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = x): full precision may not have been achieved in 'pnt{final}'
## Warning in pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = x): full precision may not have been achieved in 'pnt{final}'
$d <- d$estimate
stats$dCI_low <- d$conf.int[[1]]
stats$dCI_high <- d$conf.int[[2]]
# print results
huxtable(stats) %>% theme_article()
estimate | statistic | p.value | p_perm | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative | d | dCI_low | dCI_high |
4.44 | 12.4 | 1.09e-12 | 0.0001 | 27 | 3.71 | 5.17 | One Sample t-test | two.sided | 1.99 | 1.65 | 3.13 |
Summary Statistics: paired t-test comparing tSNR in aHPC and alEC t27=12.43, p=0.000, d=1.99, 95% CI [1.65, 3.13]
Here is a plot of the results
# add column with custom jitter
<- snr_avg %>%
snr_avg mutate(x_jit = as.numeric(roi) + rep(jitter(rep(0,n_subs), amount=0.05), each=2) * rep(c(1,-1),n_subs))
<- ggplot(data=snr_avg, aes(x=roi, y=tSNR, fill = roi, color = roi)) +
snr_figa geom_boxplot(aes(group=roi), position = position_nudge(x = 0, y = 0),
width = .1, colour = "black", outlier.shape = NA) +
scale_fill_manual(values = unname(c(aHPC_colors["within_main"], alEC_colors["main"]))) +
scale_color_manual(values = unname(c(aHPC_colors["within_main"], alEC_colors["main"])),
name = "roi", labels=c("aHPC", "alEC")) +
::geom_half_violin(data = snr_avg %>% filter(roi == "aHPC_lr"),
gghalvesaes(x=roi, y=tSNR),
side = "l", color = NA) +
::geom_half_violin(data = snr_avg %>% filter(roi == "alEC_lr"),
gghalvesaes(x=roi, y=tSNR),
side = "r", color = NA) +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", size = 1, shape = 16,
position = position_nudge(c(-0.1, 0.1)), colour = "black") +
stat_summary(fun.data = mean_se, geom = "errorbar",
position = position_nudge(c(-0.1, 0.1)), colour = "black", width = 0, size = 0.5) +
geom_line(aes(x = x_jit, group=subject,), color = ultimate_gray,
position = position_nudge(c(0.15, -0.15))) +
geom_point(aes(x=x_jit, fill = roi), position = position_nudge(c(0.15, -0.15)),
shape=16, size = 1) +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c("aHPC", "alEC")) +
ylab('tSNR') + xlab('ROI') +
guides(fill= "none", color=guide_legend(override.aes=list(fill=NA, alpha = 1, size=2))) +
#annotate(geom = "line",x=c(1.3, 1.7), y=25, size=0.5) +
annotate(geom = "text", x = c(1.5), y = Inf,
label = 'underline(" *** ")', hjust = 0.5, vjust = 1, parse = TRUE) +
guides(fill= "none", color=guide_legend(override.aes=list(fill=NA, alpha = 1, size=2))) +
theme_cowplot() +
theme(text = element_text(size=10, family = font2use), axis.text = element_text(size=8),
legend.position = "right")
Save the figure with theme to match the other figures.
<- snr_figa +
snr_fig theme(plot.tag = element_text(size = 10, face="bold"),
plot.tag.position = "topleft",
#plot.margin=grid::unit(c(5,8,5,0), "pt"),
text = element_text(size=10, family=font2use),
legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.spacing.x = unit(1, 'mm'),
legend.key.size = unit(3,"mm"),
legend.margin = margin(0,0,0,1, unit="cm"))
# save and print
<- here("figures", "sf08")
fn ggsave(paste0(fn, ".pdf"), plot=snr_fig, units = "cm",
width = 5, height = 10, dpi = "retina", device = cairo_pdf)
ggsave(paste0(fn, ".png"), plot=snr_fig, units = "cm",
width = 5, height = 10, dpi = "retina", device = "png")